Nonbank Lending and Credit Cyclicality, with Quirin Fleckenstein, Manasa Gopal, and Sebastian Hillenbrand. Review of Financial Studies (Conditionally Accepted).
Entry Costs and the Macroeconomy, with Callum Jones and Thomas Philippon. Journal of Monetary Economics (2022)
Estimating the Probability That the Game of Monopoly Never Ends, with Eric Friedman, Shane Henderson and Thomas Buyen. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (2009). Media: San Diego Tribune. Awards: Where's the BOOM award for best poster on computer-science related undergraduate research at Cornell University, 2010
Working Papers
The Welfare Consequences of Regulating Amazon (2021). NBER Slides. Awards: Runner-up for best paper award at BU Platform Strategy Research Symposium.
Old/superseded Papers